
Plants in fields, moutntains and alpines Unusual and rare plants Japanese Nursery

Variegated Collections -Japanese Variegated '斑 Fu' Plants-

-Please be sure to read the followings before you place the order-

There are still some countries whichi we can't ship.
This is because Japan Post has suspended the a
ccepting shipment to many other overseas countries.
We don't have any other shipping way to these countries.
We will inform the information about these soon when it will be updated on our Facebook page or Instagram.
We really hope the situation will be changed to better very soon.
From this year, the way of getting the Phytosanitary Certificate has been chaged.
Therefore, we have to request the charge for the certificate, 3,000 yen for the each order.
Thank you for your understanding.

This year, we can take your order only by e-mail, not using PayPal cart.
Please send us your order from 'Contact US' tab, with your name, email address, shipping address and your phone number which we can use on the shipping label.
After we confirm your order, we will reply the confirmation to you and request the payment via PayPal.
The order term will be finished in the beginning of March 2025.
The shipping the order will be started from mid-November.

We deeply thank you for your understanding and cooperation and we will wait for your order.


Alectorurus yedoensis 'Shima Fu'

1,000 Yen

Striped pattern of the Japanese endemic Alectorurus yedoensis
From Yakushima


Allium victorialis subsp. platyphyllum 'Chiri Fu'

1,000 Yen

White scattered pattern


Arisaema kiushianum 'Kikkou Fu'

2,000YenSold out

Japanese name for this pattern '亀甲斑-Kikkou Fu' means 'the pattern of tortoise shell'.
It takes 1 or 2 years to bloom.


Arisaema ovale 'Hakikomi Fu'

1,500YenSold out

Yellow swepted pattern. It takes 1 or 2 years to bloom.


Arisaema urashima 'Hakikomi fu'

1,500 YenSold out

Yellow swepted pattern. It takes 2 or 3 years to bloom.


Aster ovatus var. yezoensis 'Hakikomi Fu'

700 Yen

White swept pattern


Astilbe microphylla 'Shiro Hakikomi Fu'

800 Yen

Pretty pale pink flower.
This variegated pattern is not stable.
If variegate pattern doesn’t appear in the first year when you receive this,
the pattern will appear as the plant grow enough in the next year


Astilbe odontophylla 'Hakikomi Fu'

2,000 YenSold out
Sprouting is almost free of spots, but gradually the variegation comes out clearly.

Carex doenitzii 'Ki Fukurin Fu'

600 Yen

Yellow ornamental bordered pattern


Caryopteris divaricata 'Shiro Fukurin Fu'

700 Yen

The leaves have distinctive scent.


Cirsium 'Shiro Fukurin Fu'

1,000 Yen

It seems the variety of Cirsium japonicum but it is difficult to sort the species, and the detail of this species is unknown.


Convallaria keiskei 'Shiro Fukurin Fu'

1,000 YenSold out

White ornamental bordered leaves species of Convallaria keiskei which is from Japan.
We have sold this as C. keiskei for many years. But some domestic suppliers introduce this species as C. majalis. Actually it is difficult to sort these species.


Convallaria keiskei 'Shiro Shima Fu'

1,000 Yen

White striped pattern leaves species of Convallaria keiskei which is from Japan.
We have sold this as C. keiskei for many years. But some domestic suppliers introduce this species as C. majalis. Actually it is difficult to sort these species.


Disporum sessile 'Shiro Shima Fu'

700 Yen

White striped pattern.


Disporum sessile 'Ki Naka Fu'

800 Yen

Yellow leaves neatly edged in green margins.
The pattern weill be shaded and disappear in the summer.


Disporum sessile 'Awa No Tsuki'

800 Yen

阿波の月-Awa No Tsuki' means 'The moon of Awa'.
'Awa' is acient name of Tokushima, Japan.
Navy striped patten on the golden leaf.


Disporum sessile 'Gin Getsu'

2,000 YenSold out

'銀月-Gin Getsu-' means 'Silver moon'. This is little difficult to propagate, maybe because the green part on the leaf is very narrow. Very rare one.


Disporum smilacinum 'Ki Naka Fu'

800 Yen

Not selling this year
Yellow swepted pattern. It takes 1 or 2 years to bloom.Yellow leaves neatly edged in green margins.


Disporum smilacinum 'Reihou'

1,000 YenSold out



Disporum smilacinum 'Chouyou'

1,000 YenSold out



Filipendula kamtschatica 'Ki Chiri-Fu.'

2,000 YenSold out

Yellow scattered pattern.


Filipendula kamtschatica 'Shiro Fukurin Fu'

2,000 Yen

'白覆輪斑-Shiro Fukurin Fu-' which discribes the white ornamental bordered pattern


Filipendula kamtschatica 'Moe Ki Fukurin Fu'

800 Yen

Light green ornamental bordered pattern.


Filipendula multijuga 'Ki Shiro Shima Fu'

800 Yen

Not selling this year
Yellow and white scattered pattern.


Jeffersonia dubia 'Sunago Fu'

2,000 Yen

Scattered pattern


Lilium lancifolium 'Fukurin Fu'

1,500 Yen

Ornamental bordered pattern


Hemerocallis fulva var.kwanso 'Shiro Shima Fu'

1,200 Yen

White striped pattern


Hylomecon japonica 'Ki Chiri Fu'

800 Yen

Not selling this yearYellowish green strewn pattern.


Maianthemum dilatatum 'Fuji Koba'

1,200 Yen

Small leaf type.
'富士小葉 -Fuji Koba-'


Maianthemum dilatatum 'Shunrai'

1,000 Yen

White line on the green leaf reminds the lighting. '春雷 -Shunrai-' means 'spring thunder'.


Maianthemum dilatatum 'Tsumefukurin Fu'

1,200 Yen

Ornamental bordered pattern. The leaf of his type is larger than other Maianthemum dilatatum.


Paeonia japonica 'Ojima Touge'

30,000 Yen

A famous variety from Tokushima Prefecture, Japan.
4-5 year old from seedlings, as they are seedlings there are some individual differences, but
all of the plants have confirmed that have the variegation pattern.


Paeonia japonica 'Ojima Touge'

'小島峠 -Ojima Touge-'
Image of the parent plant of Paeonia japonica 'Ojima Touge'


Parasenecio delphiniifolius 'Chiri Hakikomi Fu'

1,200 Yen

Scattered and swept pattern


Pertya rigidula 'Moeki Fukurin Fu'

2,000 Yen

Pale Yellow Ornamental bordered pattern.


Peucedanum japonicum 'Hakikomi Fu'

1,000 Yen

The 'Hakikomi Fu' means a pattern like sweep out with a broom.


Polygonatum falcatum

1,000 YenSold out

The beautiful yellow Polygonatum with green stripes which was discovered
in Goshikidai, Shikoku region.


Polygonatum falcatum 'Kirin'

Not selling this year
'麒麟 -Kirin'-

Polygonatum falcatum 'Nagoriyuki'

Not selling this year
'なごり雪 -Nagori Yuki'-

Polygonatum falcatum 'TenDou'

5,000 YenSold out

Beautiful species with the green line in the middle of the yellowish leaf .


Polygonatum falcatum 'Shira Ito'

3,000 Yen

'白糸-Shira Ito-'


Polygonatum involucratum
'Ki Shima Fu'

1,000 YenSold out

Yellow striped pattern
The patte


Polygonatum involucratum
'Shiro Shima Fu'

1,000 Yen

White striped pattern.


Polygonatum lasianthum 'Ama No Gawa'

1,000 Yen

The Japanese name '天の川-Ama No Gawa-' means the Milky Way.


Polygonatum lasianthum 'Crow leaf'

1,000 YenSold out

Found in Aomori-Prefecture.
The divisions from parent plant, but the black color is not stable.
If it shows you green leaf in next spring, it may turns to the 'Crow leaf' in next season.


Polygonatum lasianthum 'Ko Chou'

4,000 YenSold out

Ranges in South region of Kinki and Shikoku, Japan.'胡蝶-Ko Chou-'


Polygonatum lasianthum 'Kon Gou'

2,000 YenSold out

We have been selling this varietie by the name '黄金散斑-Ougon Chiri Fu-' until now, but we found that this '黄金散斑-Ougon Chiri Fu-' is same as the variety named '金剛-Kon Gou-' which has been sold in Japan since long ago.


Polygonatum lasianthum 'Kuro Ki Shima Fu'

2,000 YenSold out
Very rare Polygonatum lasianthum which has 3colors, black and yellow stripe pattern on green leaf which was discovered in Aomori-prefecture.

Polygonatum lasianthum 'Zansetsu'

2,000 YenSold out

The name '残雪-Zansetsu-', means 'remaining snow',
describes the white shaft pattern on the leaves.


Polygonatum macranthum 'Nasu No Hikari'

4,000 YenSold out

'那須の光-Nasu no Hikari'
Beautiful species with the green striped pattern on the white narrow leaf like bamboo leaf.


Polygonatum macranthum 'Oboro Zuki'

3,000 YenSold out

'朧月 -Oboro Zuki'


Polygonatum odoratum 'Byakko'

1,000 Yen

The name '白虎-Byakko-', means 'White tiger'.
In japan this is sold as odoratum. But it mibgt be odoratum var. Maximowiczii.


Polygonatum odoratum 'Dai Kouga'

1,000 Yen

A variegated polygonatum discovered in Hokkaido.
Japanese name '大黄河-Dai Kouga-' means 'Huge Yellow River'
The pattern is not stable.


Polygonatum odoratum 'Ou Sai'

2,000 Yen

'黄彩 - Ou Sai'


Polygonatum odoratum
'Ki Chou'

2,000 Yen

Slightly navy ornamental pattern on the golden leaf
'黄蝶-Ki Chou-' means 'Yeallow Batterfly


Polygonatum odoratum 'Kouda Nishiki'

2,000 YenSold out

'幸田錦-Kouda Nishiki-'


Polygonatum odoratum var. maximowiczii'Gassan'

5,000 YenSold out

'月山 - Gassan'


Polygonatum odoratum var. maximowiczii 'Kayabanishiki'

1,000 Yen

A popular polygonatum which has deep white
ornamental margin.
In japan this is sold as odoratum. But it mibgt be odoratum var. Maximowiczii.


Polygonatum odoratum var. maximowiczii 'Mineyama Nishiki'

4,000 YenSold out

-Mineyama Nishiki-'


Polygonatum odoratum var. maximowiczii 'Muhyou'

3,000 Yen

The Japanese name 霧氷-Muhyou-' means 'White or semitransparent ice' adhering to trees and exposed ground when fog below freezing, hoafrost.


Polygonatum odoratum var. maximowiczii 'Rai-Jin'

5,000 YenSold out

雷神 -Raijin- means ' Thunder God'.


Polygonatum odoratum var. maximowiczii 'Sajin'

5,000 Yen

'Swept pattern'.'砂塵-Sajin-'


Polygonatum odoratum var. maximowiczii 'Sanjyou Nishiki'

3,000 Yen

'三条錦 -Sanjyou Nishiki-'


Polygonatum odoratum var. maximowiczii 'Taiga'

1,000 Yen



Polygonatum odoratum var. maximowiczii 'Tsumugi nishiki'

3,000 YenSold out

'紬錦-Tsumugi Nishiki-'
'紬-Tsumugi- is Silk woven in Tsumugi ito.
Very attractive yellow and white striped pattern with red colored stem.
In Japan, this is also has another name 'Yamato Nishiki'.
Both names are very popular as the top quality variegated Polygonatum odoratum.


Polygonatum humile 'Shima Fu'

800 Yen

White Striped pattern


Polygonatum x hybridum 'Variegatum'

800 Yen

The variegated Polygonatum which we received from our overseas friend a few years ago. We don't know whether this is variegated Polygonatum multiflorum, or its hybrid. But this clear and pure whited striped pattern is still atractive.


Primula allionii 'Aire mist Variegata'

2,000 Yen

Scattered and swept pattern


Primula Auricula 'Devon Cream Variegata'.

2,000 YenSold out

'Scattered pattern'



Pyrrosia lingua 'Yabane Fu'

2,000 YenSold out

Japanese word '矢羽根斑-Yabane Fu' means 'arrow feathers patterned' leaves.


Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Shiro Fuka Fukurin Fu'

1,200 Yen

Shirohuka Fukurin Fu’ shows wider margin of ‘Shiro Fukurin Fu -white ornamental bordered pattern-‘.


Smilacina japonica

1,500 Yen

The yellowish green ornamental bordered pattern.


Smilacina japonica 'Ki Shiro Fukurin Fu'

800 Yen

Ornamental bordered pattern in the early spring, then the pattern shades to white.


Smilacina japonica 'Ougon-ha Kon Tsume Fukurin Fu'

4,000 Yen

Navy ornamental pattern on the golden leaf.


Smilacina japonica 'Ryoku Un'

1,500 YenSold out

'緑雲 -Ryoku Un-'.


Smilacina japonica 'Hagoromo'

2,000 YenSold out

'羽衣 -Hagoromo-'.


Smilacina japonica 'Senkou'

2,000 YenSold out

'閃光 -Senkou-'.


Smilacina japonica 'Shiro Shima Fu'

600 Yen

White stripe pattern


Smilacina japonica 'Gin ga'

3,000 Yen

'銀河 -Gin Ga'-
Scattered pattern.
This was named as Smilacina japonica 'Sunago Fu' until the last season.


Smilacina 'Maruba Shima Fu'

3,000 Yen

We obtain this variety as rounded and striped pattern leaf variation of Smilacina japonica. We suppose that this is maybe Smilacina hondoensis which is endemic to Japan because at our nursery in their growing season, this is totally different about the dormant term and the bigger size compare with S. japonica. But we can't specify whether this is S. japonica or the Smilacina hondoensis, for now.


Smilacina robusta 'Yukishiro Fukurin Fu'

5,000 YenSold out

'雪白覆輪斑' Snow White ornamental bordered pattern.


Solidago virgaurea var. asiatica 'Hakikomi Fu'

1,000 Yen

'Swept pattern'.


Syneilesis aconitifolia 'Hakikomi Fu'

4,000 Yen

Not selling this year
A first-class variety which keeps cleared variegation pattern until autumn


Syneilesis palmata 'Kikkou Fu'

2,000 Yen

Not selling this yearJapanese name for this pattern '亀甲斑-Kikkou Fu' means 'the pattern of tortoise shell'.
The pattern will fade to green in the mid-summer.


Syneilesis palmata 'Aka Fu'

3,000 Yen

Not selling this year
Red swept pattern in early spring.
As the leaf develops, the red color fades and leaf becomes yellow-green swept pattern.


Syneilesis palmata 'Moeki-Fu'

2,500 YenSold out

The leaves sprout normally in green in the spring, then, gradually turn yellow the season changes to summer.


Tricyrtis ohsumiensis 'Fukurin Fu'

800 Yen

White ornamental bordered pattern'.


Tricyrtis macrantha 'Yukishiro Sanko Fu'

1,000 Yen

雪白三光斑-Yuki Shiro sankou fu-

This variegation pattern has transparent white from snowy white.
The variety name, '雪白三光斑-Yuki Shiro sankou fu-' describes the pattern in Japanese.


Tricyrtis latifolia'Fukurin Fu'

1,000 Yen

White ornamental bordered pattern'.


Uvularia sessilifolia 'White ornamental bordered pattern'

1,000 YenSold out

White ornamental bordered leaves species of Uvularia sessilifolia which is from eastern North America.


This is bare rooted plants after we cleaned.
Our shipping period is only in plant's resting stage.
(We clean plants according to the strict Japanese quarantine inspection's base.)