
Plants in fields, moutntains and alpines Unusual and rare plants Japanese Nursery

-Water Garden Plants-

Nymphaea tetragona 'Shizukari'

2,500 Yen

A population of large-flowered sword-petaled flowers from Shizukari Marsh in southern Hokkaido.
The marsh is on the verge of disappearing due to development.

Nymphaea tetragona 'Uenai'

3,000 Yen

Not selling this year.
Ranges in Uenae, Tomakomai, Hokkaido.
The marshland has disappeared due to road development, but the survived plants are being propagated in our nursery.

Nymphaea tetragona var. erythrostigmatica

8,000 Yen

From the northern area of ​​Hokkaido.
The stigma of the pistil and the surrounding stamens turn deep red.
It is difficult to grow in pots because it is weak to high water temperatures in summer.
The key to growing it is to plant it directly in a pond so that the roots do not get warm.

A sample image of Nuphar, Nymphaea and other water plants.
It is a mature plant dug up from a cultivation reservor.
Our reservor totally freezes over in the end of November and after that the plant cannot be dug up, so orders must be placed by the end of November.
Since the plants sprout quickly, shipping will be closed by mid-February.

Nuphar pumilum

5,000 Yen

From the Nemuro region of eastern Hokkaido,.
It is smaller than other Nuphar , and does not produce emergent leaves like the Nymphaea tetragona.

Nuphar × hokkaiensis

3,000 Yen

Native to southern Hokkaido.
This is a natural hybrid between Nuphar japonica and Nuphar pumila. It has a mixture of floating and emerged leaves.

Nuphar japonica

2,500 Yen

Not selling this year.
A common Nuphar that widely ranges from Hokkaido to Kyushu, Japan.

Menyanthes trifoliata

1,000 Yen

One of the representative species of highland wetlands.
Since it is a nursery reservor-grown plant, orders must be placed by the end of November, also as it sprouts quickly, shipping will be closed in mid-February


This is bare rooted plants after we cleaned.
Our shipping period is only in plant's resting stage.
(We clean plants according to the strict Japanese quarantine inspection's base.)